Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Winter Gives Way For... The Easter Bunny?

Chelsea took these amazing photos.
You can almost feel how cold it must have been walking to class
on some of these snow and ice kind of days.

Just when you think you've got this place figured out-
there appears 4 new additions to the bus stop.
Actually, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for them to be sitting there...

Someone decided to dress the Naked Indian statue as Frosty the Snowman.

Is that "The Daily Universe" the Easter Bunny is reading
next to his good friend Caesar?

And here he is again, posing with his other good friend, Chelsea.
His fur is so shiny!


Rachel B said...

Amazing Photography, Hey Chelsea, maybe you should be an artist or something...

Chelsea Stebar said...

Hahaha. Thanks.